Spanish language level C1.2



At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • To understand and produce social constructions in formal and informal contexts, as well as statements related to personal experiences and events of daily life
  • Understand and produce orally texts which describe and narrate in a complex way integrating other subjects, developing concrete aspects and concluding in an adequate manner. To argue and counterargue giving the appropriate emphasis to the important aspects and relying on the adequate details
  • Make clear and well structured oral presentations on complex themes, amplifying with a certain extension and defending the points of view with complementary ideas or adequate examples. Make good use of interjections
  • Write clear and well structured texts about complex themes highlighting the main ideas, expanding on personal points of view with adequate examples or complementary ideas and ending with a pertinent conclusion. To understand and produce clear and detailed texts on real or imaginary facts and experiences following the established internal norms which characterize the selected literary genre. To understand and write personal and formal correspondence
  • Understand in a global way, informations and opinions, transmitted through different media, as well as texts of a literary nature with different degrees of difficulty



Functional contents

  1. To express opinions and attitudes II
    1. To ask for and to express opinions
    2. To ask about, express agreement and disagreement with firmness or with gentleness. To invite to agreement
    3. To express approval and disapproval
    4. To show scepticism
    5. To express what can and cannot be remembered
    6. To request and express value judgements
    7. To present a counterargument mentioning the source if required
    8. To invite to formulate a hypothesis
  2. To formulate a hypothesis and express possibility. Adding nuances to the different levels of security
  3. To express and ask about plans and intentions: fulfilment or frustration
  4. To ask about and express wishes, feelings and sensations
    1. Wishes. Different degrees of possibility
    2. Feelings: to be fed up, affliction, indignation, anxiety, resignation, relief, empathy, regret, admiration, pride, etc.
    3. Physical and emotional sensations
  5. Influence on others II
    1. To give an order or an instruction in a gentle manner or in a covered up way. To repeat an order or a presupposed order
    2. To offer and invite. To request confirmation
    3. To accept and reject with/without reservations
    4. To advise, propose and suggest. To pose hypothetical situations
    5. To request and turn down help, permission or a favour in a gentle wat or in a covered up manner. To beg
    6. To promise. To reject a prohibition
    7. To encourage, to calm down, to console, to warn, to reproach and to threaten, etc.
    8. To promise and to commit oneself
  6. Social uses of language under informal and formal circumstances. The written language
    1. To greet and bid farewell. To send and convey greetings and regards
    2. To introduce and to react to an introduction
    3. To apologize and how to react to an apology
    4. To be grateful and how to respond to gratitude
    5. To express oneself in other social situations
    6. To use courteous expressions: condolences, how to celebrate success
  7. Spelling II
    1. Spelling of letters, words, caps and low case in verbal forms
    2. Accentuation: Diphthongs, triphthongs and hiatuses in verbal forms. Diacritical accent. Application of the general rule in compound words, pronouns, adverbs and adverbial locutions and indirect interrogative clauses
    3. Punctuation

Grammar contents

  1. To be “Ser / estar”
    1. Copulative and predicative uses
    2. Constructions with “ser” and “estar” and participle
    3. Pseudopopulative verbs
  2. Indirect style
    1. Changes in temporal markers
    2. Changes in verb tenses
  3. The verbal syntagm
    1. Passive constructions
    2. Restrictions to passive clauses
    3. Intransitives with transitive behavior
  4. Adverb sentences
    1. Finals and pseudo-finals. Links
    2. Causals. Links. Negation of cause: modal alternation
    3. Consecutives. Links. Expression of consequence with or without intensification: presence of the subjunctive mode. Links
    4. Comparatives. Links. Indicative / Subjunctive alternation
    5. Conditionals. Links. Modal alternation
    6. Limits with causal sentences (just in case, in such a way) and temporal sentences (whilst)
    7. Concessives and adversatives. Links: modal alternation. Contrast between although/but
  5. Personal pronoun. Deixis. Review
  6. Constructions with non personal forms of the verb
    1. With infinitive
    2. With gerund
    3. Whit participle
  7. Verbal Periphrases
    1. With infinitive
    2. With gerund
    3. Whit participle
  8. Prepositions
    1. Notional uses
    2. Prepositions with verbs and adjectives
  9. The Adverb. And the adverbial locutions



  • BALLESTER, P.(2011): Conjugando verbos españoles. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions. Universitat de Barcelona
  • EMORENO, C (2008): Temas de gramática, SGEL.
  • Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la lengua
  • Instituto Cervantes (2009): Ortografía práctica del español, Madrid, ESPASA.
  • Instituto Cervantes (2011): Guía práctica de escritura y redacción, Madrid, ESPASA.
  • VVV.AA (2016): Vitamina C1, Madrid, SGEL.
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