Spanish language level C1.1



At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • To understand and produce constructions related to personal experiences, events and needs of daily life. Social formulas in formal and informal contexts
  • Understand and produce texts which describe, expose and narrate themes related to personal experiences, facts and events in daily life, within the realm of orality. To argue and counterargue giving the appropriate emphasis to the important aspects and relying on the adequate details
  • Refer discursive acts
  • Understand and produce descriptive texts with clear and detailed facts about real or imaginary experiences stressing the existing relation between ideas and following the established norms of the selected literary genre. To write texts synthesizing and judging information and arguments from different sources. To understand and write personal and formal correspondence
  • Understand in a global way, texts of a literary nature with different degrees of difficulty. To understand and interpret opinions transmitted through different media



Functional contents

  1. Specifications related to the context of asking for and offering information
  2. To narrate
    1. To narrate following the prototypical process
    2. Insert dialogical sequences of indirect style in the past (indicative and subjunctive)
    3. To insert descriptive sequences of people, objects, places and circumstances. Objective and subjective point of view: aspectualization
    4. Insert exposing sequences in formal texts
  3. To express opinions and attitudes I
    1. To ask for and to express opinions
    2. To express agreement and disagreement with firmness or attenuation
    3. To show scepticism
    4. To present a counterargument mentioning the source if required
  4. To ask for and express judgements
  5. Affirmation and negation of certainty and evidence. Formal register
  6. To express likings, preferences and interests
    1. To ask about and express likings and interests
    2. To ask about and express preferences
    3. To express indifference
    4. To express aversion
  7. Influence on others I
    1. To ask for and deny help, permission, a favour in a gentle way or a covered manner. To beg
    2. To accept and reject requests
    3. To urge, to calm down, to console, to warn and reproach, etc…
    4. To propose and suggest
    5. To promise and to commit
  8. Social uses of language under informal and formal circumstances. Written texts
    1. To greet and bid farewell. To send and convey greetings and regards
    2. To introduce and to react to an introduction
    3. To apologize and how to react to an apology
    4. To be grateful
    5. To express oneself in other social situations
    6. To express courteous wishes: congratulations, a toast, etc.
  9. Spelling I
    1. Spelling of letters and words
    2. Accentuation: general accentuation Rule. Diphthongs, triphthongs and hiatuses in verbal forms. Diacritical accent
    3. Punctuation

Grammar contents

  1. The nominal syntagm
    1. Internal concordance of the Nominal Syntagm (SN)
    2. Concordance of the NS with the verb
    3. Nominal Syntagm with eliptic nucleus: specifications
    4. Cases of unusual interpretation or double interpretation
  2. The personal pronoun
    1. Cases of presence and absence
    2. Direct object complement pronoun: cases of presence/absence
    3. Indirect object complement pronoun: cases of presence/absence. “laísmo”
    4. Values of SE: restrictions in impersonal and passive reflexives
  3. The demonstrative
    1. Values and meaning
    2. Syntactic distribution
  4. The substantive and the article
    1. Review of the substantive and the article
    2. Restrictions in the syntactic
    3. Absence of determination
    4. Substantivating value
    5. Foreign and erudite expressions
  5. Substantive subordinates
    1. Indicative and subjunctive
    2. Verbs with dual possibility
    3. The infinitive
  6. The adjective
    1. Types of adjectives: qualifying and relational
    2. Position of the adjective: ante position and the isolated adjective
  7. Subordinates of relative
    1. Indicative and subjunctive
    2. Relative Pronouns
    3. "Que, el que…, quien/quienes": Review
    4. "El cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales, lo cual"
    5. Possessive relative pronoum : “cuyo”
    6. Adverbialization
  8. The verb
    1. Review of the right and dislocated uses of the indicative tenses
    2. The subjunctive in subordinate clauses. Temporal correlations: present, past and future coordinates
    3. Modalizations and modalities of the verb
    4. The imperative: lexicalized imperatives
  9. The Adverb and the adverbial locutions
    1. Adverbs of place, time and quantity
    2. Polar identifying adverbs, affirmatives and negatives
    3. Adverbs in ly –“mente”
  10. Temporary sentences
    1. Indicative and subjunctive
    2. Temporary links
  11. Interrogatives, exclamatives and quantifiers
    1. Order of the elements
    2. Adverbial locutions with the interrogatives
    3. Proper, focal or presuppositional quantifiers
    4. Quantized structures
  12. Prepositions
    1. Space uses
    2. Temporary uses
    3. General uses
    4. “por” and “para”



  • BALLESTER, P.(2011): Conjugando verbos españoles. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions. Universitat de Barcelona
  • Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la lengua
  • Equipo Nuevo Prisma (2015): Nuevo Prisma. Curso de español para extranjeros. Nivel C2, Madrid, Edinumen.
  • Instituto Cervantes (2009): Ortografía práctica del español, Madrid, ESPASA.
  • Instituto Cervantes (2011): Guía práctica de escritura y redacción, Madrid, ESPASA.
  • MILLARES, S. (2010): Método de español para extranjeros. Nivel Superior, Madrid, Edinumen.
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