Spanish language level A2.1



At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Understand and produce social constructions and simple enunciations related to basic daily needs. Learn to handle oneself different social situations.
  • Understand the explicit information in brief texts such as tickets, notes, messages, emails, restaurant menus, posters, questionnaires, etc. and draw specific information from them
  • Write notes, messages, postcards and emails related to the basic needs of daily life.



Functional contents

  1. To provide and ask for information I
    1. To identify
    2. To provide and ask for information about people, objects, places and times
    3. To describe
    4. To narrate
  2. To give an opinion and judge I
    1. To express in simple terms opinions and judgements
    2. To express agreement and disagreement
  3. Express likings and preferences I
    1. To express likings
    2. To ask and express preferences
  4. Express wishes and feelings
    1. To express wishes
    2. To express feelings: happiness, sadness, etc.
  5. Influence others I
    1. To give an order / instruction
    2. To ask for objects and help
    3. To offer and invite. To accept and reject
  6. Social uses of language I
    1. To greet and bid farewell
    2. To introduce oneself and react to an introduction
    3. To apologize and react to an apology
    4. To thank for something
    5. To express oneself in other social situations
  7. How to structure discourse I

  8. Spelling I
    1. The alphabet
    2. Spelling of letters, numbers and digits
    3. Spelling of the words: why/because, “por qué /porque”
    4. Spelling of capital letters and lower case
    5. Punctuation: Basic uses of full stop, hyphen and coma; interrogation and exclamation signs; parenthesis

Grammar contents

  1. The substantive I
    1. Types of substantive Proper and common nouns

    2. Gender and number of substantives
  2. The adjective I
    1. Types of adjectives Qualifying and relational adjectives
    2. Gender and number of adjective
    3. Grades of the adjective
  3. The article I
    1. Types of articles Definite and indefinite articles
  4. Demonstratives I
    1. Values and meaning
    2. Syntactic distribution
  5. Possessives I
    1. Stressed and unstressed forms
    2. Syntactic distribution
    3. Values and meaning
  6. Quantifiers I
    1. Proper quantifiers Numerals and non universals
    2. Focal quantifiers or presuppositional includers quantifiers
  7. The personal pronoun I
    1. Subject pronoun
    2. Stressed pronouns as Direct Object: absence, series: “lo, la, los, las”
    3. Stressed pronouns as Indirect Object: series: “me, te, le” Form, values and meaning: to like “gustar”
    4. Reflexive pronouns
  8. Relatives I
  9. Interrogatives I
  10. The Adverb and the adverbial locutions I Adverbs of location, adverbs of time; adverbs of quantity and mode; prepositive adverbs and affirmative adverbs, negatives and of opposition
  11. Basic prepositions I
  12. The verb I
    1. Indicative
      1. Present Own individual irregularities: to be, to go: “ser, estar, haber,ir”
      2. Present perfect
      3. Preterit
    2. Contrast
      1. Present/ present perfect
      2. Present/ imperfect
      3. Present perfect/ preterit
    3. Non personal forms: infinitive, gerund and participle
    4. Verbal periphrases
    5. Contrast of to be: “ser / estar / haber”
  13. The Nominal syntagm I Concordance, complements and modifiers
  14. The verbal syntagm I Nucleus and complements. Copulative or attributive verbs



  • ESPAÑOL GIRALT, M, (2009): El día a día en español 2. Nivel Principiante, Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions. Universitat de Barcelona.
  • MIÑANO, J (2011): Y, ahora, la gramática A2, Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona.
  • MIÑANO, J (2009): Practica tu español, Madrid, SGEL.
  • VV.AA (2019): Vitamina A2, Madrid Editorial SGEL
  • VV.AA (2010): Gramática básica del estudiante español. A1-B1, Madrid, Editorial Difusión.
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